Course Name: Biology
Jane Watkins: [email protected]
Heather McHargue: [email protected]
Brief Course Description: This course is a laboratory-based course that will focus on instructing students on the research, laboratory, and technical skills needed in the study of Biology. This course is very rigorous due to the number of required standards that must be covered to prepare students for the end-of-course test given at the end of each semester (Date TBA). Students will be required to complete all materials described in the syllabus and by the teacher.
Textbook Info:
Title= Biology: Miller-Levine
Cost= $101.47
Students may check-out a book from the teacher.
Biology Standards
SB1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze the nature of the relationships between structures and functions in living cells.
SB2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how genetic information is express in cells.
SB3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations.
SB4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to illustrate the organization of interacting systems within single-celled and multi-celled organisms.
SB5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to assess the interdependence of all organisms on one another and their environment.
SB6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to assess the theory of evolution.
Biology Test Recovery Policy:
If a student earns a 69% or less on a unit test, then the student may retake that unit test to earn a maximum of a 70% on the assessment. If the student chooses to retake the test, then the test retake must be completed within 1 week after the original graded assessment has been given back to the student for review. The student must consult with the teacher to obtain a retest prior to the day they would like to take the assessment.
Final Exam Policy:
In the event that a student is absent and unable to be administered a Final Exam, the student will receive a “0” until it is made-up. Students will be given a period of two weeks to establish a time convenient to the teacher to be administered the assessment. If the arrangement is not established or if the student does not take the assessment, the grade of zero will stand.
Grading Weights & Descriptions
Informal 0%
Formative 29%
Summative 71%
EOC 20%
Formative Assessments are samples of students work before, during, and after instruction that identify needs and help provide continuous feedback to students which can include journal writing, projects, hands-on activities, quizzes, homework, etc.
Summative/Formal Assessments are major culminating tasks such as projects, research, essays, labs, portfolio, tests, etc.
Informal Activities: Non-weighted practice opportunities that will assist the student in mastering the standards.
Missed work:
If you are present on the day of the assignment, you are responsible for turning in the assignment on time.
If you miss class, you are responsible for picking up any missed work without interrupting the flow of class the day you return. If an assignment was due on a day you were absent a “M” for missing will be placed in Infinite Campus for that task. Once the task has been completed the Missing status will be removed and your grade will take its place. Your time to complete missed work is equal to the number of days missed. For prolonged absences (more than 5 consecutive days), administration will determine the time to be given for make-up work.
****Missing work will be accepted up until the 8th week of each academic quarter. If a student does not submit the missing task within the timeline provided, the grade will become a “0.”
Conduct & Work Habit Expectations: Rules will be gone over in class. This will include procedures and consequences on tardiness, bathroom passes, and behavior expectations. All school policies in the student handbook will be followed, as well as all lab safety rules.
- Read the text and participate in online activities associated with text readings
- All unit work must be turned in on the date of the assessment. Late assignments are NOT accepted!
- Students must wear closed toed shoes and goggles during labs as directed by the teacher. Students not prepared for labs will receive a zero for the lab assignment. Lab days will be announced.
Academic Integrity:
All work (homework, tests, papers, projects, labs, etc.) must be your own. Cheating includes, but is not limited to
- Submitting work copied from a friend or an outside source
- Giving work to a friend or giving/receiving excessive assistance from someone
- Accepting or giving help during a test or quiz.
- Using notes stored on a calculator without expressed permission of the teacher
- Plagiarism, a form of cheating, involves presenting someone else's ideas or words, without giving credit!
Cell Phones: The school cell phone policy will be enforced in this classroom.
~ Use of electronic devices and headphones is only allowed before school, after school, and during lunch. Electronic device use in the classroom is not permitted unless indicated expressly by the teacher for academic purposes. This includes texting, listening to music. Taking photos, recording video, etc. Cell phones and electronics should NEVER be visible during tests or quizzes. It is the students’ responsibility to have any electronic device charged prior to coming to school. Use of NPHS facilities to charge cell phones is not allowed during class time.